My blog

If You Do Not Dance, The Concert Is Over

If You Do Not Dance, The Concert Is Over

Spanish Version published on Medium I love to go to concerts and see my favorite artists live. The happiness you feel after a show is even proven by science! However, how much does a celebration like this cost our planet?  Coldplay, a group that has been inspiring us...



Spanish version published on Medium I am sure that in a conversation with friends or coworkers, you have heard the phrase, “Artificial intelligence is going to take over our jobs.”  Even though artificial intelligence (AI) promises many real advantages, people still...

How Urban Regeneration Can Be Used to Uplift Lower-Income Residents

How Urban Regeneration Can Be Used to Uplift Lower-Income Residents

Urban regeneration is a term sometimes conflated with urban renewal. However, there are significant differences between the two. Urban renewal is a city planning strategy aimed at transforming blighted areas through economic development, while urban regeneration is...

¿Contaminan los coches eléctricos?

¿Contaminan los coches eléctricos?

Siempre me han fascinado las ‘startups’ que nacen con el objetivo de cuestionarnos lo que las marcas nos venden. Es el caso de Tire Collective, una ‘startup’ británica que conocí gracias a la pregunta que me hizo mi gran amigo Santiago en medio de una intensa...

Do electric cars contribute to pollution?

Do electric cars contribute to pollution?

I have always been fascinated by new startups and often have questions about related products and services. This was the case when I learned about Tyre Collective, a British startup I was introduced to after my friend Santiago asked me the following question during a...

Organic products are sustainable until they are not!

Organic products are sustainable until they are not!

Every day, more and more supermarkets stock their shelves with products labeled as "eco," "bio," or "organic." Even though we are familiar with these words, we tend to use them interchangeably, without appreciating the differences among them.  Have you ever...