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What Can Honeybees Teach Us about the Microbiome of a City?

What Can Honeybees Teach Us about the Microbiome of a City?

The microbiome, which consists of invisible organisms like microbes, fungi, viruses, and bacteria, could offer insight into the health of our cities and their residents. Honeybees function as natural swabs in urban environments, picking up microorganisms and particles...

The World’s 5 Most Bike-Friendly Cities

The World’s 5 Most Bike-Friendly Cities

As cities across the globe explore measures to reduce carbon emissions, many have launched bike infrastructure projects that encourage more residents to start cycling. Several global cities, including the following, embraced cycling long ago and can serve as examples...

Las 5 ciudades más amigables para las bicicletas

Las 5 ciudades más amigables para las bicicletas

A medida que las ciudades de todo el mundo exploran medidas para reducir las emisiones de carbono, muchas de ellas  han puesto en marcha proyectos de infraestructura para bicicletas que alientan a más residentes a comenzar a usar este medio de transporte. Varias...

5 Benefits of Making Our Cities More Bike-Friendly 

5 Benefits of Making Our Cities More Bike-Friendly 

Investing in urban bike infrastructure has numerous benefits for city residents as well as the environment: lower transportation costs, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and improvements in public health. In addition, infrastructure like protected bike lines protects...

Could Heat Pumps Be a Solution to Heat Waves and Climate Change? 

Could Heat Pumps Be a Solution to Heat Waves and Climate Change? 

Climate change has recently led to unprecedented heat waves in areas with typically temperate climates, such as the United Kingdom and the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Often, residents of these regions have never had to use an air conditioner, but heat...

Por qué deberías preparar tu hogar con mejoras eléctricas 

Por qué deberías preparar tu hogar con mejoras eléctricas 

Muchos países del mundo están comenzando a hacer la transición hacia fuentes de energía más sostenibles. Si bien esta transición es necesaria para mitigar el cambio climático y proteger el planeta, muchos expertos prevén una demanda de energías significativamente...