I have always been fascinated by new startups and often have questions about related products and services. This was the case when I learned about Tyre Collective, a British startup I was introduced to after my friend Santiago asked me the following question during a heated conversation: Do you think electric cars cause pollution?

For years, we have focused on the pollution emitted via exhaust pipes from gasoline-powered cars. However, even though we all know that auto tires wear down, we don’t stop to think about what happens to the tiny particles of rubber and chemicals that these tires shed over time. This, too, is a form of pollution.

While it’s true that electric vehicles (EVs) reduce carbon dioxide emissions, they still contribute to other kinds of emissions. Not a lot of people know that the pollution from the normal wear and tear on auto brakes and pneumatics is greater than the pollution caused by the engine.

In addition, electric cars are generally heavier, so their tires wear down faster than gas powered cars. This is something we have largely failed to consider as we transition away from gasoline-powered vehicles to EVs. However, we must acknowledge this fact and place more attention on adopting solutions to reduce pollution from auto tires.

One such solution comes from the startup mentioned above, Tyre Collective. They’ve created a device to capture the rubber particles and dust emitted by tires. The device is attached to the vehicle’s wheels and is capable of capturing 60% of these particles.

Electric engines have been a tremendous technological advance for sustainability in the transportation sector: however, we must continue working to reduce emissions associated with tire wear.

Maybe these advances and improvements are closer to us than we think. Why not pressure the primary auto tire manufacturers so they can start developing this type of technology? My friend Santiago and I have already considered this in our everyday life!

-Manuel Barreiro Castañeda-